Letzte Aktualisierung 2014.
Ihre Fragen beantworten wir gern per Email (mail[at]geoSports-Tec.com) oder Telefon (0341-39281107).

Financial Key Data - Subsidies of 50% (details given in thousands of euro (TEUR))


Amount to be invested: 22,340
Subsidies: 11,050
Investment to be financed: 11,290
Initial stage to be financed: 685
Amount to be funded: 11,975 thereof
Loan: 5,975
Own capital: 6,000

Return 2018 2021
realistic conservative realistic conservative
Sales revenue 2,771 1,931 3,143 2,252
Operating costs 286 192 313 224
Depreciation 592 592 665 665
Personnel expenses 446 446 460 460
Other charges 368 368 364 364
Interest 339 352 260 320
Business tax 89 - 151 10
Net result 661 -19 940 209
Return on earnings after tax 8,55% -0,32% 15,67% 4,31%

For presentation purposes the partnersĀ“ respective capital at the end of the planning year has been considered for the conservative variant (partnerĀ“s capital / investment less any repayments of capital without result). For the conservative variant repayments of capital have been taken into account as follows: for 2018 - 250 Kā‚¬, 2019 - 400 Kā‚¬, 2020 - 500 Kā‚¬, 2021 - 500 Kā‚¬.

Passengers / Mountain

200,000 initial contacts (ic) per year (10 months of operation), thereof 100,000 ic in winter (4 months) and 100,000 ic in summer (6 months), that is to say approx. 6,000 ic / week in winter and approx. 4,000 ic / week in summer. This shall result in 400,000 initial contacts in total at the stations of Fichtelberg and Keilberg in the year 2016. Initial contact means a person who pays once, irrespective of a single ride or an ascent and descent ride, a daily ticket, a seven-day ticket or a seasonal ski pass. (Conservative variant: With regard to the weather an extremely bad summer with 50% of the planned passengers has been taken as a basis).

Ticket prices

5.00 to 15.00 ā‚¬, on average 7.60 ā‚¬, VAT included for an ascent and descent ride, (10.00 ā‚¬ in summer; 6.40 ā‚¬ in winter), with 6.00 ā‚¬ in the scope of the joint ski pass for both skiing areas during wintertime.

Ticket prices

For the planning a joint partnership such as e.g. a limited partnership with a limited liability company as general partner (GmbH & Co. KG), has been taken as a basis. A detailed gross planning shall be based on a realisation of the project in the year 2017 and a first full year of operation in the year 2018 (more details available under gross planning - to be requested when necessary).